Roller Derby
The two founders of Powerjam are longtime roller derby players, coaches and members of Vienna Roller Derby. Roller derby is a full contact sport on roller skates. Each game (called a "bout") lasts 60 minutes and is divided into two 30 minute halves. Each half consists of a series of "jams" lasting no more than two minutes. During these breaks the players are replaced. For each jam, each team will field 5 players, 4 blockers and one jammer. The jamming person is the only player who can score points by overtaking the hips of a blocker of the opposing team.
In the following we would like to briefly introduce you to the now six active teams and clubs in Austria!
The listing is arranged chronologically according to the order in which the clubs were founded.

In 2011, a small group of enterprising and tenacious women* founded Austria's first roller derby team, the "Vienna Rollergirls", whose name was later changed to the more inclusive Vienna Roller Derby (VRD). As a relatively unknown "unofficial" sport in Austria, finding training facilities proved to be a challenge. So was the search for players who were enthusiastic about both the DIY approach and the sporting demands of roller derby. One thing, however, arose as if by itself: an enthusiastic fan base! Since 2011, VRD has transformed from a small group of dedicated but inexperienced skaters into a vibrant organization with over 80 members (skaters, referees and volunteers).
Several times a year, "Open House" events are held for anyone interested in the sport and joining the club. All info at